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Job growth for financial advisors is projected to be about 4% through 2029.


Job growth for financial advisors is projected to be about 4% through 2029. which is similar to the rate of growth for all jobs on average.5 The expected growth is due largely to an increase in personal retirement accounts and a decrease in traditional pension funds. Work Environment A good portion of the work is spent in an office, analyzing data from a desk. Financial advisors also need to meet with clients and prospective clients, and those meetings can take place in the office or at the homes of clients. Seminars or workshops may require some travel.6 Job growth for financial advisors is projected to be about 4% through 2029. which is similar to the rate of growth for all jobs on average.5 The expected growth is due largely to an increase in personal retirement accounts and a decrease in traditional pension funds. Work Environment A good portion of the work is spent in an office, analyzing data from a desk. Financial advisors also need to meet with clients and prospective clients, and those meetings can take place in the office or at the homes of clients. Seminars or workshops may require some travel.6 Job growth for financial advisors is projected to be about 4% through 2029. which is similar to the rate of growth for all jobs on average.5 The expected growth is due largely to an increase in personal retirement accounts and a decrease in traditional pension funds. Work Environment A good portion of the work is spent in an office, analyzing data from a desk. Financial advisors also need to meet with clients and prospective clients, and those meetings can take place in the office or at the homes of clients. Seminars or workshops may require some travel.6